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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday Stuff

Taylor had her last football game to cheer for today. They had it at the Tri-City's Field, which turned out to be 45 minutes away. Strange since all of the other games have been more local. My Mom & Grandma went to go see her, too. Grandma Great hadn't been to see her yet, and I'm sure she enjoyed it.
I had Riley & Bronson today, so I had to stay home. They were turds; they hadn't napped (they're 2 & 3 year old brothers). I spent most of the day cleaning. It's getting too cold to hang the rugs out on the porch after washing them, though, because it's getting so cold. It only got up to about 53* today. Not too bad, unless you're trying to dry rugs.

Mom & Grandma came and got the girls after they ran errands. The girls are spending the night with Mom & Tom tonight. They're going to church in the morning, too. They enjoy going. I guess I should take them, but we're either doing something, going somewhere, or once in awhile I get to sleep in. Maybe I'm just lazy...... I just don't think that you need to go to church to know what you believe in. Of course we're talking about kids, and they will eventually make their own decisions...... I guess it's one part of parenting that you won't know if you did ok until much later.......

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