Easter background

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday, Oct. 20, 2008

Today was a busier day than usual. The a.m. kindergartners had no school and the rest had a half day. So we served 11 at lunchtime and were very productive, lol.

Taylor had a pizza party for cheer leading (end of season). It was at Goodrich Park in Whitehall. It's such a nice park, right on the lake with some new play structures. Of course the girls ended up playing football with the boys. Taylor got tackled pretty good, but came out fighting!! While she was there I went to the gym. Only got 25 min. on the treadmill, but it's better than nothing! I then stopped at Plumb's for milk & pop. (Katie doesn't have to call me and moo into the phone now..... That's either her way of calling me fat or telling me that we need milk, lmfao. I know, it's the milk, but I still think it's funny.

Came home and Judy was telling me how good Ethan was at cleaning up. He usually gives her a hard time, so that was nice to hear. But just as she was telling me, I looked over to see Bretten BITING Ethan on the arm; I mean RIPPING into the boy!!! If it weren't for Ethan's long sleeves, I'm sure Bretten would have drawn blood. As it was, he broke the skin AND left scrape marks. I have NEVER had such a bad bite in my daycare!! I felt sorry for Ethan, that had to of hurt like hell!! We put an ice pack on it and he had a pop tart for snack, so it was all good for him then, lol. His mom was ok with it; Ethan's 2 year old little brother is a biter, too, so she was understanding. Bretten is 4, and should be over that stage, but he's only been here for a couple of weeks, and he hadn't been here in 4-5 days because he had been sick. He's never been in daycare before, so it's been a bit of a tough transition. He'll be fine, though, as long as he keeps his fangs to himself. :)

I guess I'll go lay down, maybe I'll be sleeping by 1 if I go now......

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