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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday

I had classes on Tuesday, and it's mid-term week. My first one, English 101, I've found to be really easy. And I'm enjoying it. I've always enjoyed writing, though.... I think my test went well. It was open book, so that helped. I got back a paper that I wrote, a profile essay. I got an A - a 40/40. I was very happy with that, since the first draft was kind of flaky.....

My night class on Tuesday's is Health, Safety and Nutrition for Early Childhood (or something like that - I'm too lazy to look at the book right now). It's a VERY easy class; so much of it is common sense or things that I've learned along the way. My Mamma didn't raise no fool!! lol The mid-term for that class was open book, open note, and we got to work in groups. Doesn't get much easier than that..... I also really like the instructor. She's very down-to-Earth and knows that there are many different learning styles and we don't necessarily need to memorize the book in order to "get it". And that's just how I learn. I tend to remember what we talked about in class when it comes to personal stories vs. "text only", just material from the book, and it's nice to have a teacher who understands that.

Today I went to the bank and Subway. I had a daycare parent pull through and pay me what they owed, over $1000. Soooo nice!! So I made a payment to the trustee. Bankruptcy sucks. Our bankruptcy hearing was this morning, and I don't even know if we're in the clear. I was too afraid to call our attorney to find out. I want to know, but I don't want to know. hopefully I'll have the balls to call tomorrow to find out.... Because if it doesn't go through, we've lost our house and cars. :(

I was VERY lazy today. I didn't sleep very well last night; I couldn't stop thinking of the bankruptcy hearing. So I slept like a LOG at naptime, though. Katie kept trying to wake me up and kick my ass onto my elliptical. I finally woke up enough and got on there and did a mile. Thank God for her; I'd stay fat. lol


~Sherie~ said...

Omg hun, I'm so sorry about the bankruptcy! I hope it all goes well for you, well, as well as a bankruptcy can go. We lost our house last summer, we let the bank take it, so we'll prolly be going thru a bankruptcy too as soon as they sell it and come after us for the balance of the mortgage. Hang in there, I'll be praying for you!

unspoken said...

yeah well anytime you need a drill sargent,shoulder to cry on, or a swift kick in the ass i am here for ya.