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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday Stuff & random thoughts

Got up this morning and had to be productive. It has been raining all day, which is great for naps, but not for running errands.

After we showered and got ready, the girls and I went to Shoreline to sign Heather up for spring softball. She was pretty good at it last year, especially for being a first-timer. I'm glad, though, that she wants to join softball again. She's just not a very social child, and I sometimes worry about her social skills.

We then went to the bank to make a deposit. Those are always nice, lol.

We then picked up Riley and Bronson from home. They're such cute little buggers.

Went to drop Taylor off for a Destination Imagination practice. Then I realized that we forgot her box with her supplies in it. Had to run back home, grrrrrr.

Dropped Taylor off, only to find out that the practice was being shortened. So then I figured out that there wasn't enough time to run home to feed the kids lunch. So we just went to Burger King. I was very naughty and had a Whopper Jr. (hey, it was a junior, ok???) and an onion ring. Sucks for the diet, but I was starving!! Ok, look at my gut and ass; I'm not starving, but a choice had to be made!! lol

Went to pick up some clothes, which I just realized that I left in the car, dammit! Anyways, Taylor's old cheer leading coach gave us some clothes that her daughter's had outgrown last fall, and had more to share. Ohhhh, I'm sooooo appreciative of that!!! And their great clothes, too. Most are name-brand, which doesn't mean anything to me, but for her to just give them away to us is awesome!!

Picked Taylor up from her DI practice and came home. Got Riley and Bronson down for nap, Taylor on the computer, and Heather in front of the tv, and I took a nice nap. I love naps, but when it's raining out they seem sooo much better!!

My cats are always trying to sniff & play with my fish oil pill. Wonder if it's because they smell like fish???

Critter's eye is leaking again. Hope it's nothing serious; we sure don't have the money for that!!

I have plan menu as a reminder on my Palm Pilot. I wish I could do them again.... I miss it. But it costs more money for groceries to plan them than it does just to make whatever we already have in the kitchen. And time. Ugggg, I'd love more time (and energy, lol). I love to cook and bake, but there's just not enough hours in the day, and/or I'm too damn tired.

I want popcorn. Told you this was a random thought blog, lol.

I wish my kids would get ready for bed when I told them to. Then again, their Dad thinks it's playtime....

I hate it when I'm watching a show and my kids start paying attention. Of course, at that time, the show becomes inappropriate for them..... :(

Riley and Bronson just left for the night. I don't get them all week long until Saturday. Mom's going to Florida for the week. :( That's ok, she's a hard-working single Mom and deserves it.

So here I sit; sharing popcorn with Tommy. Dorky cat.....

Alright, I'll stop with the random thoughts. For now. :) Who knows what will pop up in my brain next....

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