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Monday, December 29, 2008

A Productive Week-end

I was lazy, but productive. I know, that doesn't make sense. But I was. I still have a 10 pound weight limit because of the hysterectomy that I had a week and a half ago. Sometimes it's hard to behave, because there's plenty of shit to do around here, but I know that I won't heal right if I don't be good and take it easy until the doctor clears me.

So yesterday Jon and the girls went to the Dutcher's. I feel bad; I should have gone, because I like their company and miss them, but I am sooooo much more productive when I stay home. I got the next 3 weeks worth of lesson plans done. All sorted, filed, printed, laminated, organized, uploaded to my yahoo group, and ready to teach the little munchkins. I think it's my favorite part of my job, besides being able to be with my kids most of the time........

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