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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Can this week go any slower????

Not that I want it to fly by, it just seems like I've been running around and getting nowhere. I stayed up until 3:30 this morning and got through a little bit of my to-do pile. Wait, one of my to-do piles.

On Tuesday, Taylor went to the Fruitland Township Hall to learn about voting. They also cleaned up the playground for a service patch. She then went to cheerleading. I almost didn't let her go to both; that's alot of stuff to do in one day, especially with a full day of school. But she did good, and, of course, went to bed REALLY good.

I had class that night. I did another presentation; this one on the pros and cons of homework. I got some of my grades back from last week's presentation, a written report, and something that we did in class, and I was happy with the grades.

Yesterday, I went to physical therapy, then to Sociology class. That went well; especially because we got out early. :) He's not supposed to let us out early, but imo, if we get through the lessons and we're not failing our tests, it should be fine.

Katie's here; I can hear her car, lol. Guess I'll go get dressed; I have to go to the gym. No really, I have to, says fat girl....... :)

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