Easter background

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wow, I suck, lol

I just got busy. That's all. I finished my college classes at the beginning of December. I got an A in ECE and a B+ in Sociology. I was pretty happy with that.

In my sociology class I had to do a 5 page paper on ADHD - Medication vs. Non-Medication. Then I had to do a power point presentation on the same topic. I had never used power point before & really enjoyed it. So much so that I ended up using it on the big project that I did in my ECE class. Got an A on both presentations, lol.

Jon got laid off. Sucks donkey balls, it does. They usually have a 2 week shut-down during the weeks of Christmas and New Year's, so we were expecting that. But not a longer one, that's for sure. The shop that he works for (Shape Corp) makes auto parts, if that tells you anything. So hopefully we'll be fine on his unemployment.....

Heather is doing ok, but could be better I think. We took her off of the Prozac a couple of weeks ago, and since then she's been soooooo, well, bitchy. Yeah, she's 10, lol. Bitchy and frickin' MEAN. I ask her to do something around the house and she flies off the handle. I don't know if it's the Prozac withdrawl, hormones, or both, but it's gotta change.....

Taylor's doing very well. She's such a good kid. I hate to compare my kids and make one sound bad and the other good, but it is what it is, I guess. Heather has good moment's/times, too, but I guess the bad overtakes the good, and that's sad. Anyways, Taylor is getting all A's in school. She seems to be bored with it at times, but we'll see how she does. She's one of the youngest of the 3rd graders, so I don't want to push her anymore than what she can handle.

And I'm doing good. I had a hysterectomy last Tuesday. I've had frequent and painful periods since forever. The only time that it was ok was when I was on the pill. I had my tubes tied after having Taylor, so I wanted to be done with the pill. I had an ablation done, where they scrape the cervix to try and start my periods all over again, and hopefully regulate them. As it turns out, I was in the 3% that it doesn't work. Figures.

So I've been trying to take it easy. Katie and Judy have been my LIFESAVERS!!! They're my assistants and have taken over for me and kept me in line, lol. I have restrictions, no lifting, rest all the time, etc., and they're making sure that I'm sticking to it! It's a pain in the ass, but I have to stay healthy, so I appreciate their mother hen status right now. :)

But it is amazing at how tired, worn out, and sore one can get after surgery. Katie took me grocery shopping at Meijer the other day, and OMG, I was SOOO tired after that. But I'll live...

Ok, I'm going to stop now. Damn, I could type forever; it's been so long since I've blogged. But I feel that my life is getting back into a mode where I can slow down a little, so hopefully I'll be back soon!!

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